2023-08-25 10:28

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Our Mental Health Is Also At Risk From The Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Whilst the UK Government seems totally unaware of the realities of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) the world’s scientists, researchers and clinical experts on the virus, its symptoms and mental health risks; are clear in their advice, even if the UK Government has up to date, ignored it.

The mental health element of this has not even mentioned by Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock or even the country’s media.

Both the worry and fear for the health of both ourselves and our loved ones, especially thjose with elderly relatives, can take a toll on our mental health. A rising number of people are experiencing coronavirus anxiety

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy member Elizabeth Turp suggests we are in a state of anxiety as coronavirus is unknown and that connects with the fear centre in our brain.

She said:

“The main thing is it’s an unknown threat. The way that it’s being portrayed is connecting with the fear centre in our brain; our underlying fears. Nobody wants to feel more under threat of death.”

Fortunately, the World Health Organisation has produced quite a number of resources specifically on several elements of the affects of the virus, including that of providing advice on how we can look after our own mental health, in facing the challenge of taking sensible precautions to minimise our risk of being infected.

Here is the most current:

By clicking on the pic above, you can download this graphic in PDF form and print it out to circulate it or use on notice boards at work. It can also be found in the Unionsafety E-Library and choosing search Category 'Mental Health'

One of the key elements needed right now to protect ourselves from the Coronavirus (Covid-19 virus) is to take care of our own mental health at this most stressful time.

Source: WHO


Pic: Bak to News icon link

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